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Embody Your Avatar altered state of Consciousness
Channel your sexual energy to embody elevated states of consciousness through the power of art and crystals

Upcoming workshop: Details will be announced shortly: please sign up here to receive notifications:  $44

In this workshop, we experience reunion with the divine aspects of our consciousness, which I call “Avatar Bodies.” We unite with these aspects in the deepest sense of intimacy and love, experiencing them as our inner lovers. 


We explore the significance of being in an Avatar state and how to embody these states within our etheric and physical bodies. We employ practical and innovative approaches to reveal the divine love and joy that reside within us. 

We become attuned to the subtle vibrations within our body and the magnetic field that envelops us.


We will connect deeply with our inner child, embracing the purity, innocence, and love within our Heart space. We will purify our twelve-chakra channel, and awaken our inner sensual self to unite with our AVATAR BODIES as etheric inner lovers, allowing us to embody the divine aspects of our existence and anchor them into our physical reality.


We will begin the workshop by selecting an activated crystal that is charged and aligned with an avatar frequency. Every crystal is accompanied by a sacred avatar art that I channeled and created. After reflecting on the oracle card and examining the accompanying message, we will select a partner to embark on a guided meditation journey with, holding the activated crystal in our hand as the divine frequencies of the art flow through us. The crystal serves as a portal, transmitting energy for the purpose of cleansing our chakra system and integrating our avatar frequency into our body.

If you would like to learn more about how each session will unfold, click on the "learn more" icon.

Embody your avatar state, expressing aspects of your higher self
Channel your sexual energy to embody elevated states of consciousness through the power of art and crystals

Location: Bushwick-Brooklyn-New York
Ten minutes walk from Both Halsey and Myrtle-Wyckoff ave Subway Station


Some More Details About This Course-

Embody your avatar

Channel your sexual energy to embody elevated states of consciousness through the power of art and crystals

The class starts with a brief introduction to the avatar state—exploring how we can harness our sexual energy to embody elevated aspects of our consciousness, thereby expanding and utilizing these energies to manifest the life we aspire to create.

We will select a crystal that draws our interest, and then we will explore the avatar art associated with the chosen crystal. We go over the text that describes the avatar art's energy. Next, we choose a partner to sit with and meditate, while our knees are in contact with one another. We embark on a guided meditation journey to open our energy channels, chakra system, and heart, allowing us to feel the energy of our avatar self flowing through us as we embrace it with love and experience a profound intimacy with it.

We will finish the class with a sharing circle.

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