Manifestation through Art
Manifest a strong sense of security, safety, being supported and protected by creating your own sacred art
Upcoming workshop: Details will be announced shortly: please sign up here to receive notifications: $44
During this class, we will explore the root chakra, which is widely regarded as the fundamental building block of our energy system. Our class incorporates meditation and art techniques to delve into the emotions of safety and stability, which are then expressed through our artwork. Additionally, we utilize cutting-edge technology to analyze and study our drawings.
Root chakra plays a crucial role in cultivating feelings of security, safety, support, and protection. To fully develop and enhance our life, it is essential to focus on strengthening this particular energy point. By doing so, we open ourselves up to a multitude of possibilities and can begin to manifest qualities associated with other energy points or chakras. These qualities include our deepest desires for creativity, love, pleasure, self-esteem, recognition, and spiritual enlightenment, among other significant aspects of our lives. Through the process of creating our own artwork, we cultivate a sense of protection, stability, and fulfillment of the basic needs associated with the root chakra.
In our class, we also explore the power of root note mantras and their ability to enhance and activate our root chakra. you will experience the transformative effects as we guide you in vocalizing these sacred sounds, recording your voice along the way.
If you would like to learn more about how each session will unfold, click on the "learn more" icon.
Some More Details About This Course-
manifest a strong root chakra by creating your own sacred art
The class will begin with a short mindfulness meditation practice to help us reconnect with our bodies and reflect on our sense of safety, support, and protection in our lives. We contemplate on the way that our body and our subconscious mind feel about the sensation of being protected. Next, we create a self-portrait using purely square and circle forms. How we perceive ourselves is defined by the way we draw our lines and the shading we later apply to these shapes.
We start by learning how to draw simple geometric forms in a linear fashion. After that, we study some methods of shading with charcoal to improve our visual representations of self. On separate sheets, we begin to practice these techniques. Then We take a brief moment to meditate and reflect on which shading approach would most accurately portray ourselves after we've practiced dropping shadows and shading.
The last step is to include the desired visual protective field into our artwork using basic abstract forms. Rather than relying on our rational thought processes, we rely on our motor function and contemplation to allow the form to reveal itself. As soon as we receive the information we need, we can complete the artwork.
Then we analyze your artwork. After analyzing your artwork we will set the root notes of a mantra with the assistance of AI to help you focus your energies.
With the assistance of the technologically advanced Lalitha app, a meditation app powered by AI that compares your drawing with hundreds of other people’s drawing to give you step by step guides and practices to do daily to strengthen your root chakra and belief system .
It monitors your voice while you are chanting and lets you know when your sound is right. The AI has also developed a psychological sound detector to see if you believe deeply in your affirmations or not, till you say affirmations in a way that from your sound it can tell you subconsciously has changed your belief system.
Once you've mastered the sound and successfully changed your subconscious belief, we'll record you again while you confidently recite the affirmations and utter the root sound. As you utter these words, we record the vibrations you're producing and transfer them through technology to a crystal that you can take home and place in your altar, where it will continue to give it back to you. So you're always energized.
list of Art supplies that will be provided for the class:
1. Compressed Charcoal Sticks, (Soft, Medium, Hard)
2. Professional Charcoal Pencils Drawing
3. Charcoal Paper Pad, 11x17 inches
4. Extra Large 11x17 Clipboards
5. Blending Stumps and Tortillions Paper Art Blenders Sketch Drawing Tools with Sketch Wipe Scrapers,Rub Sponge,Kneaded Eraser and Sandpaper Sharpeners
Why Art Has Been Used as the most powerful tool for manifestation from the ancient times
Art is the only relatable Way to manifest subtle vibrations into our physical domain
Hi, my name is Bahar. I am an artist with a keen sense of energy and intuition. I work with crystals, celestial vibrations, the universe, and the realm of energy.
I have spent the last few years creating “The sacred inner deity artworks” inspired by the ancient holy texts of the Vedas and the Mahabharata. I created them because I had a deep intuitive bond with the energy of the characters in these texts. In my artwork, I also incorporate the energies of stars, planets, and galaxies, reflecting my deep connection with the cosmos. I've spent the last 6 to 7 years working to develop my capacity to sense and interpret energy. I've always been a highly energy sensitive person, but through consistent meditation, isolation, and developing a heightened awareness of my body's sensations, I've made significant progress in improving my ability to sense energy and opening my receptors to receive information. While engaging in meditation, I am able to deeply sense and establish a profound connection with these energies.
The deities mentioned in the Vedas are cosmic and natural forces that transcend our familiar material realm. Each type of energy has its own unique qualities and embodies different symbolic-archetypal energies. For example, Apas represents the deity of Water, while Agni represents the deity of Fire. Indra, on the other hand, is associated with thunderstorms, and Savitar is revered as the deity of the first golden rays of the sun at sunrise. Each is associated with specific qualities. They provide unique abilities. For example: Apas offers you the means to overcome any challenges that may arise. It provides you with the tools to cultivate creativity and develop the necessary skills to achieve success and become an influential leader.
In order to make archetypal energies more accessible to viewers, I'm interested in exploring how they manifest in human form, particularly in our physical existence. Similarly, the ancient tradition of building human-shaped statues of deities encourages more human connection and relatability.
The ancient world is filled with sacred deities and avatars who represent powerful archetypal energies. These archetypal energies are not limited to ancient times. In our modern world, we all have access to these archetypal energies. In ancient times, statues and art were frequently employed to represent sacred deities, serving a specific purpose.
They serve as mirrors that reflect our own higher qualities and powers. These energies, if we know how to use them, can be used to create, and manifest the life of our dreams; It provides us with the energy and direction we need to move on in life. These sacred energies also provide effective protection against “negative energy, which refers to” any energy that is not in alignment with our core vibration and the life we are currently manifesting. Their presence is crucial in assisting us in manifesting what our higher self desires. They act as guides, directing us towards aligning with the true purpose of our soul.
Working with these archetypal sacred forces, has been revered and incorporated into rituals for thousands of years, particularly in tantric traditions.
The primary objective of energy workers, including tantrics, has always been to shift energy. The ultimate goal of tantra is to shift energy till we become one with the frequency and energy of a particular deity who represents the sacred aspect of the self. Each deity represents certain qualities that by unfolding those energies within us we can manifest anything related to those qualities.
How do tantrics shift energy? A tantric shifts energy by doing a lot of rituals and practices of concentration and visualization, by chanting mantras and doing sadhana. When people learn how to devote their entire energies to a deity or a path. It often involves looking at an artwork representing the deity and visualizing it , meditating while chanting mantras related to that deity.
Consider learning tantric practice by comparing it to a lens.If you put a lens on the sun, it focuses the sun's energy on a small point, which you can utilize to burn things. it is all about focusing and converging the energy that already exists into a very focal point that will be manifested in a specific form.
One modern view of how to utilize tantra is that, just as we move through life, we require various forms of energy to push us forward and assist us overcome obstacles or manifest what we want . Our personal growth and success are deeply influenced by the energy we choose to engage with.
Throughout history, art and sculptures have served as powerful tools for humans to reconnect with and channel these energies. That is why every ancient and modern temple is adorned with sacred art and statues. Art is the only tangible way to introduce and manifest these archetypal energies into our physical life, making them more relevant , relatable, and accessible. That is why In tantra, the devotees would utilize visualization techniques, such as seeing the deity's image or sacred geometry called yantra, as well as reciting mantras, to bring that sacred energy into their awareness, allowing them to merge and become one with it. So they can utilize the energy to manifest what they desire.
I spent the last six years after getting my masters in fine arts learning how to focus my energy through creating art and bringing the subtle energies that I feel/channel into art form in the form of divine beings and sacred deities.
I have created these deities by opening my receptors to subtle energies ,tapping into my higher self, which represents the pure consciousness within me—and within everyone else too. This state of pure consciousness serves as our ultimate protection, and a guide that we work with everyday to shift our energy to manifest what we desire.
You also have the tools to focus your energy into manifesting through art and you have the freedom to express and create in any art form, whether it be through singing, dancing, or music. In order to accomplish this, it is essential to stay fully focused and open to the subtle energies that exist within and around you. This can be achieved by directing your attention towards the sensations in your body. By doing so, you can become a channel for these energies, enabling their manifestation in the physical realm.
You have the tools to create a ritualistic art form with your hands, filled with energies you are feeling and manifesting on paper , energy that reflects a sacred part of You . The moment you create your deity , it starts giving back to you.You can continue working with your creation everyday until you shift your energy and continue maintaining it.
These paintings fulfill the same purpose as the sacred statues and paintings that have been found in temples for thousands of years. They help us connect with our deepest inner selves, embrace our inner beauty, overcome life's challenges, and create the life we've always dreamed of.
By creating your own sacred deity, a powerful representation of your inner sacred qualities, you can utilize it as your ultimate guide to transform your energy and manifest your deepest desires. It is a sacred creation that reflects the essence of who you are.
It's important to find a way to maintain the energy you sense and channel, so that you can maintain it consistently. Otherwise, you might find yourself getting caught up in daily tasks like work and cooking, and struggle to keep that meditative energy throughout the day. Creating art by harnessing and manifesting energy allows for a never-ending reciprocal exchange of energy.
For example, I created the painting "Andremedan artist." To channel the energy of my vegan, Andromeda star body into the artwork, I became a channel for this energy. When I look at this today, I feel an endless amount of pure love circulate between her and me. When I feel a lack of self-love I can manifest self-love energy by looking mindfully at my painting. I experience my own unconditional love when I take a seat in front of it, and open myself to it to receive. I feel a circulation between my heart and her heart. Similar to a partner's tantra meditation, It reflects back to me my own beauty, and unconditional love energy.
Despite my best efforts to transfer the energy I was feeling, the outcome is beyond what I had planned when I set out to create it. This painting serves as a reminder of my own inherent beauty and love. since it reflects who I am. My work is an extension of who I am. She exists in a parallel reality, much like a version of me.
We have always had access to these energies within us. We have never been separated from them. However, in our busy modern lives, we are constantly exposed to various energies that are not beneficial to us. These energies can be distracting and create a disconnect between ourselves and our inner core, who we truly are, not the version of us we have accepted based on society expectations and conditioning. That is why we need reminders and emphasis on the energies we want to focus on.
In the past, such interference did not exist. However, with the advancements in technology, we now have the means to achieve some of these goals faster.
In the past, devotees of tantric practices would dedicate over 40 years or maybe a lifetime to learning under the guidance of a guru. The world has undergone a significant transformation. We are exploring ways to leverage modern technology to speed up the manifestation of our goals, and get rid of some of those interferences. We are utilizing AI-assisted techniques to help us , and guide us better so we can focus our energy. We have the ability to handle it on our own and with the assistance of AI, we can enhance our performance.
The human body is believed to house chakras, which act as important centers for energy flow. It's important to note that these chakras are not physical body parts. For example, when referring to the root chakra, it is not a literal metal wheel spinning inside us. This concept revolves around the idea that our bodies have various energy points that correspond to different energies. By understanding each energy point is associated with a specific form of energy, we can effectively shift and focus our energy. It is important to identify and strengthen these energy points. One way to understand it is by strengthening that small chakra point to selectively filter out unwanted energies. And prioritize the energies that truly matter.
The root chakra focuses on our inner sense of security. The emphasis here is on feeling safe, supported, and protected, which are critical for living an abundant and happy life on Earth. By strengthening the root chakra, which is associated with the most basic sense of safety and security in life, you can release any energies such as fear that have attached themselves to you as a result of trauma or conditioning that tries to make you believe that you are not safe. We must figure out how to transmute these energies into the feeling of being safe.
The way we practice this is through creating art and devices . There are other practices , there are a lot of different ways to shift these unwanted energies but we have our own way of discipline.
This is the way I have learnt how to do it and I am very happy to share it with you.
If you go to a tantric healer in Tibet , they will show you a different way to do that. They use art created by other masters. They still use them to go ahead and read the books and focus on shifting energy.
They have a different system of instructions that they follow.
Bahar has established her own system that she has learned and is happy to offer.
I have created a class specifically focused on the root chakra, which is widely regarded as the fundamental building block of our energy system. Our class incorporates meditation and art techniques to delve into the emotions of safety and stability, which are then expressed through our artwork.We also utilize cutting-edge technology to further analyze and study our drawings.
Root chakra plays a crucial role in cultivating feelings of security, safety, support, and protection. To fully develop and enhance our life, it is essential to focus on strengthening this particular energy point. By doing so, we open ourselves up to a multitude of possibilities and can begin to manifest qualities associated with other energy points or chakras. These qualities include our deepest desires for creativity, love, pleasure, self-esteem, recognition, and spiritual enlightenment, among other significant aspects of our lives.
Through the process of creating your own artwork, you cultivate a sense of protection, stability, and fulfillment of the basic needs associated with the root chakra.
In our class, we also explore the power of root note mantras and their ability to enhance and activate our root chakra.
you will experience the transformative effects as we guide you in vocalizing these sacred sounds, recording your voice along the way.
​We have created the technologically advanced Lalitha app, a meditation software driven by AI , that will present you with step-by-step instructions and daily tasks to help you improve your root chakra and belief system. The software accurately analyzes and evaluates your vocal performance while chanting, providing valuable feedback to help you improve. The AI has constructed a psychological sound detector that can assess the power of your affirmation. The examination of your speech can reveal whether your affirmations had an impact on your subconscious beliefs.